import { type BinaryLike, encode_utf8, from_utf8, jit, read_i16_be, read_i32_be, read_i8, write_i16_be, write_i32_be, write_i8, } from "./lstd.ts"; export class EncoderError extends Error { override get name() { return; } } export interface Cursor { i: number; } export function ser_encode<T>(type: Encoder<T>, x: T) { const buf = new Uint8Array(type.const_size ?? type.allocs(x)); const cur: Cursor = { i: 0 }; return type.encode(buf, cur, x), buf.subarray(0, cur.i); } export function ser_decode<T>(type: Encoder<T>, buf: Uint8Array) { return type.decode(buf, { i: 0 }); } export interface Encoder<T> { readonly const_size: number | null; allocs(value: T): number; encode(buf: Uint8Array, cur: Cursor, value: T): void; decode(buf: Uint8Array, cur: Cursor): T; } export type EncoderType<E extends Encoder<unknown>> = E extends Encoder<infer T> ? T : never; // export const i8: Encoder<number> = { const_size: 1, allocs() { return 1; }, encode(buf, cur, n) { write_i8(buf, n, cur.i++); }, decode(buf, cur) { return read_i8(buf, cur.i++); }, }; export const i16: Encoder<number> = { const_size: 2, allocs() { return 2; }, encode(buf, cur, n) { write_i16_be(buf, n, cur.i), (cur.i += 2); }, decode(buf, cur) { const n = read_i16_be(buf, cur.i); return (cur.i += 2), n; }, }; export const i32: Encoder<number> = { const_size: 4, allocs() { return 4; }, encode(buf, cur, n) { write_i32_be(buf, n, cur.i), (cur.i += 4); }, decode(buf, cur) { const n = read_i32_be(buf, cur.i); return (cur.i += 4), n; }, }; export function char(type: Encoder<number>) { return map(type, { from(n: number) { return n === 0 ? "" : String.fromCharCode(n); }, to(s: string) { return s === "" ? 0 : s.charCodeAt(0); }, }); } export function byten(n: number): Encoder<Uint8Array> { return { const_size: n, allocs() { return n; }, encode(buf, cur, s) { if (s.length === n) buf.set(s, cur.i), (cur.i += n); else throw new EncoderError(`buffer size must be ${n}`); }, decode(buf, cur) { return buf.subarray(cur.i, (cur.i += n)); }, }; } export const bytes: Encoder<BinaryLike> = { const_size: null, allocs(s) { if (typeof s === "string") return s.length * 3; else return s.length; }, encode(buf, cur, s) { cur.i += encode_utf8(s, buf.subarray(cur.i)); }, decode(buf, cur) { return buf.subarray(cur.i, (cur.i = buf.length)); }, }; export const bytes_lp: Encoder<BinaryLike | null> = { const_size: null, allocs(s) { let size = 4; if (typeof s === "string") size += s.length * 3; else if (s !== null) size += s.length; return size; }, encode(buf, cur, s) { if (s === null) { i32.encode(buf, cur, -1); } else { const n = encode_utf8(s, buf.subarray(cur.i + 4)); i32.encode(buf, cur, n), (cur.i += n); } }, decode(buf, cur) { const n = i32.decode(buf, cur); return n === -1 ? null : buf.subarray(cur.i, (cur.i += n)); }, }; export const cstring: Encoder<string> = { const_size: null, allocs(s) { return s.length * 3 + 1; }, encode(buf, cur, s) { if (s.indexOf("\0") !== -1) throw new EncoderError(`cstring must not contain a null byte`); cur.i += encode_utf8(s, buf.subarray(cur.i)) + 1; }, decode(buf, cur) { const end = buf.indexOf(0, cur.i); if (end === -1) throw new EncoderError(`unexpected end of cstring`); return from_utf8(buf.subarray(cur.i, (cur.i = end + 1) - 1)); }, }; export function map<T, U>( type: Encoder<T>, { from, to }: { from: (value: T) => U; to: (value: U) => T } ): Encoder<U> { return { const_size: type.const_size, allocs(x) { return type.allocs(to(x)); }, encode(buf, cur, x) { type.encode(buf, cur, to(x)); }, decode(buf, cur) { return from(type.decode(buf, cur)); }, }; } export function oneof<T, C extends readonly T[]>( type: Encoder<T>, ...xs: C ): Encoder<C[number]> { const set = new Set(xs); const exp = => `'${c}'`).join(", "); return map(type, { from(x) { if (set.has(x)) return x; else throw new EncoderError(`expected ${exp}, got '${x}' instead`); }, to(x) { if (set.has(x)) return x; else throw new EncoderError(`expected ${exp}, got '${x}' instead`); }, }); } export interface ArrayEncoder<T> extends Encoder<Array<T>> {} export function array<T>( len_type: Encoder<number>, type: Encoder<T> ): ArrayEncoder<T> { const { const_size } = type; return { const_size: null, allocs: const_size !== null ? function allocs(xs: T[]) { const n = xs.length; return len_type.allocs(n) + n * const_size; } : function allocs(xs: T[]) { const n = xs.length; let size = len_type.allocs(n); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) size += type.allocs(xs[i]); return size; }, encode(buf, cur, xs) { const n = xs.length; len_type.encode(buf, cur, n); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) type.encode(buf, cur, xs[i]); }, decode(buf, cur) { const xs = []; for (let i = 0, n = (xs.length = len_type.decode(buf, cur)); i < n; i++) xs[i] = type.decode(buf, cur); return xs; }, }; } export type ObjectShape = Record<string | symbol | number, Encoder<unknown>>; export interface ObjectEncoder<S extends ObjectShape> extends Encoder<{ [K in keyof S]: EncoderType<S[K]> }> {} export function object<S extends ObjectShape>(shape: S): ObjectEncoder<S> { const keys = Object.keys(shape); return jit.compiled`{ const_size: null, allocs(x) { return ${jit.if( keys.length === 0, jit`0`," + ", keys, (k) => { return shape[k].const_size ?? jit`${shape[k]}.allocs(x[${k}])`; }) )}; return 0${"", keys, (k) => { return jit` + ${shape[k]}.allocs(x[${k}])`; })}; }, encode(buf, cur, x) { ${" ", keys, (k) => { return jit`${shape[k]}.encode(buf, cur, x[${k}]);`; })} }, decode(buf, cur) { return { ${", ", keys, (k) => { return jit`[${k}]: ${shape[k]}.decode(buf, cur)`; })} }; }, }`; }