import { type BinaryLike, buf_concat_fast, buf_eq, buf_xor, channel, from_base64, from_utf8, jit, semaphore, semaphore_fast, to_base64, to_utf8, TypedEmitter, } from "./lstd.ts"; import { array, byten, bytes_lp, bytes, char, cstring, type Encoder, object, type ObjectEncoder, type ObjectShape, oneof, ser_decode, ser_encode, i16, i32, i8, type EncoderType, } from "./ser.ts"; import { type CommandResult, is_sql, Query, type ResultStream, type Row, sql, type SqlFragment, type SqlTypeMap, text, } from "./query.ts"; import { join } from "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.8"; export class WireError extends Error { override get name() { return; } } export class PostgresError extends WireError { readonly severity; readonly code; readonly detail; readonly hint; readonly position; readonly where; readonly schema; readonly table; readonly column; readonly data_type; readonly constraint; readonly file; readonly line; readonly routine; constructor(fields: Partial>) { // const { S, V, C, M, D, H, P, W, s, t, c, d, n, F, L, R } = fields; super(M ?? "unknown error"); this.severity = V ?? S ?? "ERROR"; this.code = C ?? "XX000"; this.detail = D ?? null; this.hint = H ?? null; this.position = P ?? null; this.where = W ?? null; this.schema = s ?? null; this.table = t ?? null; this.column = c ?? null; this.data_type = d ?? null; this.constraint = n ?? null; this.file = F ?? null; this.line = L ? parseInt(L, 10) : null; this.routine = R ?? null; } } function severity_level(s: string): LogLevel { switch (s) { case "DEBUG": return "debug"; default: case "LOG": case "INFO": case "NOTICE": return "info"; case "WARNING": return "warn"; case "ERROR": return "error"; case "FATAL": case "PANIC": return "fatal"; } } interface MessageEncoder extends ObjectEncoder { readonly type: T; } function msg( type: T, shape: S ): MessageEncoder { const header_size = type !== "" ? 5 : 4; const ty = type !== "" ? oneof(char(i8), type) : null; const fields = object(shape); return { const_size: null, get type() { return type; }, allocs(msg) { return header_size + fields.allocs(msg); }, encode(buf, cur, msg) { ty?.encode(buf, cur, type); const { i } = cur; cur.i += 4; fields.encode(buf, cur, msg); i32.encode(buf, { i }, cur.i - i); }, decode(buf, cur) { ty?.decode(buf, cur); const n = i32.decode(buf, cur) - 4; return fields.decode(buf.subarray(cur.i, (cur.i += n)), { i: 0 }); }, }; } function msg_type({ 0: n }: Uint8Array) { return n === 0 ? "" : String.fromCharCode(n); } function msg_check_err(msg: Uint8Array) { if (msg_type(msg) === ErrorResponse.type) { const { fields } = ser_decode(ErrorResponse, msg); throw new PostgresError(fields); } else { return msg; } } // export const Header = object({ type: char(i8), length: i32, }); export const Authentication = msg("R", { status: i32, }); export const AuthenticationOk = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 0 as const), }); export const AuthenticationKerberosV5 = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 2 as const), }); export const AuthenticationCleartextPassword = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 3 as const), }); export const AuthenticationMD5Password = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 5 as const), salt: byten(4), }); export const AuthenticationGSS = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 7 as const), }); export const AuthenticationGSSContinue = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 8 as const), data: bytes, }); export const AuthenticationSSPI = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 9 as const), }); export const AuthenticationSASL = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 10 as const), mechanisms: { const_size: null, allocs(x) { let size = 1; for (const s of x) size += cstring.allocs(s); return size; }, encode(buf, cur, x) { for (const s of x) cstring.encode(buf, cur, s); cstring.encode(buf, cur, ""); }, decode(buf, cur) { const x = []; for (let s; (s = cstring.decode(buf, cur)) !== ""; ) x.push(s); return x; }, } satisfies Encoder, }); export const AuthenticationSASLContinue = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 11 as const), data: bytes, }); export const AuthenticationSASLFinal = msg("R", { status: oneof(i32, 12 as const), data: bytes, }); export const BackendKeyData = msg("K", { process_id: i32, secret_key: i32, }); export const Bind = msg("B", { portal: cstring, statement: cstring, param_formats: array(i16, i16), param_values: array(i16, bytes_lp), column_formats: array(i16, i16), }); export const BindComplete = msg("2", {}); export const CancelRequest = msg("", { code: oneof(i32, 80877102 as const), process_id: i32, secret_key: i32, }); export const Close = msg("C", { which: oneof(char(i8), "S" as const, "P" as const), name: cstring, }); export const CloseComplete = msg("3", {}); export const CommandComplete = msg("C", { tag: cstring }); export const CopyData = msg("d", { data: bytes }); export const CopyDone = msg("c", {}); export const CopyFail = msg("f", { cause: cstring }); export const CopyInResponse = msg("G", { format: i8, column_formats: array(i16, i16), }); export const CopyOutResponse = msg("H", { format: i8, column_formats: array(i16, i16), }); export const CopyBothResponse = msg("W", { format: i8, column_formats: array(i16, i16), }); export const DataRow = msg("D", { column_values: array(i16, bytes_lp), }); export const Describe = msg("D", { which: oneof(char(i8), "S" as const, "P" as const), name: cstring, }); export const EmptyQueryResponse = msg("I", {}); const err_field = char(i8); const err_fields: Encoder> = { const_size: null, allocs(x) { let size = 1; for (const { 0: key, 1: value } of Object.entries(x)) { size += err_field.allocs(key) + cstring.allocs(value); } return size; }, encode(buf, cur, x) { for (const { 0: key, 1: value } of Object.entries(x)) { err_field.encode(buf, cur, key), cstring.encode(buf, cur, value); } err_field.encode(buf, cur, ""); }, decode(buf, cur) { const x: Record = {}; for (let key; (key = err_field.decode(buf, cur)) !== ""; ) { x[key] = cstring.decode(buf, cur); } return x; }, }; export const ErrorResponse = msg("E", { fields: err_fields, }); export const Execute = msg("E", { portal: cstring, row_limit: i32, }); export const Flush = msg("H", {}); export const FunctionCall = msg("F", { oid: i32, arg_formats: array(i16, i16), arg_values: array(i16, bytes_lp), result_format: i16, }); export const FunctionCallResponse = msg("V", { result_value: bytes_lp, }); export const NegotiateProtocolVersion = msg("v", { minor_ver: i32, bad_options: array(i32, cstring), }); export const NoData = msg("n", {}); export const NoticeResponse = msg("N", { fields: err_fields, }); export const NotificationResponse = msg("A", { process_id: i32, channel: cstring, payload: cstring, }); export const ParameterDescription = msg("t", { param_types: array(i16, i32), }); export const ParameterStatus = msg("S", { name: cstring, value: cstring, }); export const Parse = msg("P", { statement: cstring, query: cstring, param_types: array(i16, i32), }); export const ParseComplete = msg("1", {}); export const PasswordMessage = msg("p", { password: cstring, }); export const PortalSuspended = msg("s", {}); export const QueryMessage = msg("Q", { query: cstring, }); export const ReadyForQuery = msg("Z", { tx_status: oneof(char(i8), "I" as const, "T" as const, "E" as const), }); export const RowDescription = msg("T", { columns: array( i16, object({ name: cstring, table_oid: i32, table_column: i16, type_oid: i32, type_size: i16, type_modifier: i32, format: i16, }) ), }); export const SASLInitialResponse = msg("p", { mechanism: cstring, data: bytes_lp, }); export const SASLResponse = msg("p", { data: bytes, }); export const StartupMessage = msg("", { version: oneof(i32, 196608 as const), params: { const_size: null, allocs(x) { let size = 1; for (const { 0: key, 1: value } of Object.entries(x)) { size += cstring.allocs(key) + cstring.allocs(value); } return size; }, encode(buf, cur, x) { for (const { 0: key, 1: value } of Object.entries(x)) { cstring.encode(buf, cur, key), cstring.encode(buf, cur, value); } i8.encode(buf, cur, 0); }, decode(buf, cur) { const x: Record = {}; for (let key; (key = cstring.decode(buf, cur)) !== ""; ) { x[key] = cstring.decode(buf, cur); } return x; }, } satisfies Encoder>, }); export const Sync = msg("S", {}); export const Terminate = msg("X", {}); export type LogLevel = "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal"; export interface Parameters extends Readonly>> {} export interface WireOptions { readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly user: string; readonly password: string; readonly database: string | null; readonly runtime_params: Record; readonly types: SqlTypeMap; } export type WireEvents = { log(level: LogLevel, ctx: object, msg: string): void; notice(notice: PostgresError): void; parameter(name: string, value: string, prev: string | null): void; notify(channel: string, payload: string, process_id: number): void; close(reason?: unknown): void; }; export interface Transaction extends CommandResult, AsyncDisposable { readonly open: boolean; commit(): Promise; rollback(): Promise; } export type ChannelEvents = { notify: NotificationHandler }; export type NotificationHandler = (payload: string, process_id: number) => void; export interface Channel extends TypedEmitter, CommandResult, AsyncDisposable { readonly name: string; readonly open: boolean; notify(payload: string): Promise; unlisten(): Promise; } export async function wire_connect(options: WireOptions) { const { host, port } = options; const wire = new Wire(await socket_connect(host, port), options); return await wire.connected, wire; } async function socket_connect(hostname: string, port: number) { if (hostname.startsWith("/")) { const path = join(hostname, `.s.PGSQL.${port}`); return await Deno.connect({ transport: "unix", path }); } else { const socket = await Deno.connect({ transport: "tcp", hostname, port }); return socket.setNoDelay(), socket.setKeepAlive(), socket; } } export class Wire extends TypedEmitter implements Disposable { readonly #socket; readonly #params; readonly #auth; readonly #connected; readonly #query; readonly #begin; readonly #listen; readonly #notify; readonly #close; get socket() { return this.#socket; } get params() { return this.#params; } get connected() { return this.#connected; } constructor(socket: Deno.Conn, options: WireOptions) { super(); ({ params: this.#params, auth: this.#auth, query: this.#query, begin: this.#begin, listen: this.#listen, notify: this.#notify, close: this.#close, } = wire_impl(this, socket, options)); this.#socket = socket; (this.#connected = this.#auth()).catch(close); } query(sql: SqlFragment): Query; query(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): Query; query(s: TemplateStringsArray | SqlFragment, ...xs: unknown[]) { return this.#query(is_sql(s) ? s : sql(s, ...xs)); } begin(): Promise; begin(f: (wire: this, tx: Transaction) => T | PromiseLike): Promise; async begin(f?: (wire: this, tx: Transaction) => unknown) { if (typeof f !== "undefined") { await using tx = await this.#begin(); const value = await f(this, tx); if ( await tx.commit(); return value; } else { return this.#begin(); } } async listen(channel: string, ...fs: NotificationHandler[]) { const ch = await this.#listen(channel); for (const f of fs) ch.on("notify", f); return ch; } notify(channel: string, payload: string) { return this.#notify(channel, payload); } async get(param: string) { return ( await this.query`select current_setting(${param}, true)` .map(([s]) => String(s)) .first_or(null) )[0]; } async set(param: string, value: string, local = false) { return await this .query`select set_config(${param}, ${value}, ${local})`.execute(); } close(reason?: unknown) { this.#close(reason); } [Symbol.dispose]() { this.close(); } } function wire_impl( wire: Wire, socket: Deno.Conn, { user, database, password, runtime_params, types }: WireOptions ) { const params: Parameters = Object.create(null); function log(level: LogLevel, ctx: object, msg: string) { wire.emit("log", level, ctx, msg); } async function read(type: Encoder) { const msg = await read_recv(); if (msg === null) throw new WireError(`connection closed`); else return ser_decode(type, msg_check_err(msg)); } async function read_raw() { const msg = await read_recv(); if (msg === null) throw new WireError(`connection closed`); else return msg; } async function* read_socket() { const buf = new Uint8Array(64 * 1024); for (let n; (n = await !== null; ) yield buf.subarray(0, n); } const read_recv = channel.receiver(async function read(send) { let err: unknown; try { let buf = new Uint8Array(); for await (const chunk of read_socket()) { buf = buf_concat_fast(buf, chunk); for (let n; (n = ser_decode(Header, buf).length + 1) <= buf.length; ) { const msg = buf.subarray(0, n); buf = buf.subarray(n); switch (msg_type(msg)) { // case NoticeResponse.type: { const { fields } = ser_decode(NoticeResponse, msg); const notice = new PostgresError(fields); log(severity_level(notice.severity), notice, notice.message); wire.emit("notice", notice); continue; } case ParameterStatus.type: { const { name, value } = ser_decode(ParameterStatus, msg); const prev = params[name] ?? null; Object.defineProperty(params, name, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value, }); wire.emit("parameter", name, value, prev); continue; } case NotificationResponse.type: { const { channel, payload, process_id } = ser_decode( NotificationResponse, msg ); wire.emit("notify", channel, payload, process_id); channels.get(channel)?.emit("notify", payload, process_id); continue; } } send(msg); } } if (buf.length !== 0) throw new WireError(`unexpected end of stream`); } catch (e) { throw ((err = e), e); } finally { wire.emit("close", err); } }); function write(type: Encoder, value: T) { return write_raw(ser_encode(type, value)); } async function write_raw(buf: Uint8Array) { for (let i = 0, n = buf.length; i < n; ) i += await socket.write(buf.subarray(i)); } function close(reason?: unknown) { socket.close(), read_recv.close(reason); } // const rlock = semaphore_fast(); const wlock = semaphore_fast(); function pipeline( w: () => void | PromiseLike, r: () => T | PromiseLike ) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { pipeline_write(w).catch(rej); pipeline_read(r).then(res, rej); }); } function pipeline_read(r: () => T | PromiseLike) { return rlock(async function pipeline_read() { try { return await r(); } finally { try { let msg; while (msg_type((msg = await read_raw())) !== ReadyForQuery.type); ({ tx_status } = ser_decode(ReadyForQuery, msg)); } catch { // ignored } } }); } function pipeline_write(w: () => T | PromiseLike) { return wlock(async function pipeline_write() { try { return await w(); } finally { try { await write(Sync, {}); } catch { // ignored } } }); } // async function auth() { await write(StartupMessage, { version: 196608, params: { application_name: "pglue", idle_session_timeout: "0", ...runtime_params, user, database: database ?? user, bytea_output: "hex", client_encoding: "utf8", DateStyle: "ISO", }, }); auth: for (;;) { const msg = msg_check_err(await read_raw()); switch (msg_type(msg)) { case NegotiateProtocolVersion.type: { const { bad_options } = ser_decode(NegotiateProtocolVersion, msg); log("info", { bad_options }, `unrecognised protocol options`); continue; } } const { status } = ser_decode(Authentication, msg); switch (status) { case 0: // AuthenticationOk break auth; case 2: // AuthenticationKerberosV5 throw new WireError(`kerberos authentication is deprecated`); case 3: // AuthenticationCleartextPassword await write(PasswordMessage, { password }); continue; case 5: // AuthenticationMD5Password throw new WireError( `md5 password authentication is deprecated (prefer scram-sha-256 instead)` ); case 7: // AuthenticationGSS throw new WireError(`gssapi authentication is not supported`); case 9: // AuthenticationSSPI throw new WireError(`sspi authentication is not supported`); // AuthenticationSASL case 10: await auth_sasl(); continue; default: throw new WireError(`invalid authentication status ${status}`); } } ready: for (;;) { const msg = msg_check_err(await read_raw()); switch (msg_type(msg)) { case BackendKeyData.type: continue; // ignored default: ser_decode(ReadyForQuery, msg); break ready; } } } // // async function auth_sasl() { const bits = 256; const hash = `SHA-${bits}`; const mechanism = `SCRAM-${hash}`; async function hmac(key: Uint8Array, str: string | Uint8Array) { return new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.sign( "HMAC", await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", key, { name: "HMAC", hash }, false, ["sign"] ), to_utf8(str) ) ); } async function h(str: string | Uint8Array) { return new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest(hash, to_utf8(str))); } async function hi(str: string | Uint8Array, salt: Uint8Array, i: number) { return new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.deriveBits( { name: "PBKDF2", hash, salt, iterations: i }, await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", to_utf8(str), "PBKDF2", false, [ "deriveBits", ]), bits ) ); } function parse_attrs(s: string) { const attrs: Partial> = {}; for (const entry of s.split(",")) { const { 0: name, 1: value = "" } = entry.split("=", 2); attrs[name] = value; } return attrs; } const gs2_cbind_flag = `n`; const gs2_header = `${gs2_cbind_flag},,`; const username = `n=*`; const cbind_data = ``; const cbind_input = `${gs2_header}${cbind_data}`; const channel_binding = `c=${to_base64(cbind_input)}`; const initial_nonce = `r=${to_base64( crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(18)) )}`; const client_first_message_bare = `${username},${initial_nonce}`; const client_first_message = `${gs2_header}${client_first_message_bare}`; await write(SASLInitialResponse, { mechanism, data: client_first_message }); const server_first_message_str = from_utf8( (await read(AuthenticationSASLContinue)).data ); const server_first_message = parse_attrs(server_first_message_str); const nonce = `r=${server_first_message.r ?? ""}`; if (!nonce.startsWith(initial_nonce)) throw new WireError(`bad nonce`); const salt = from_base64(server_first_message.s ?? ""); const iters = parseInt(server_first_message.i ?? "", 10) || 0; const salted_password = await hi(password, salt, iters); const client_key = await hmac(salted_password, "Client Key"); const stored_key = await h(client_key); const client_final_message_without_proof = `${channel_binding},${nonce}`; const auth_message = `${client_first_message_bare},${server_first_message_str},${client_final_message_without_proof}`; const client_signature = await hmac(stored_key, auth_message); const client_proof = buf_xor(client_key, client_signature); const proof = `p=${to_base64(client_proof)}`; const client_final_message = `${client_final_message_without_proof},${proof}`; await write(SASLResponse, { data: client_final_message }); const server_key = await hmac(salted_password, "Server Key"); const server_signature = await hmac(server_key, auth_message); const server_final_message = parse_attrs( from_utf8((await read(AuthenticationSASLFinal)).data) ); if (!buf_eq(from_base64(server_final_message.v ?? ""), server_signature)) throw new WireError(`SASL server signature mismatch`); } // const st_cache = new Map(); let st_ids = 0; class Statement { readonly name = `__st${st_ids++}`; constructor(readonly query: string) {} parse_task: Promise<{ ser_params: ParameterSerializer; Row: RowConstructor; }> | null = null; parse() { return (this.parse_task ??= this.#parse()); } async #parse() { try { const { name, query } = this; return await pipeline( async () => { await write(Parse, { statement: name, query, param_types: [] }); await write(Describe, { which: "S", name }); }, async () => { await read(ParseComplete); const param_desc = await read(ParameterDescription); const msg = msg_check_err(await read_raw()); const row_desc = msg_type(msg) === NoData.type ? { columns: [] } : ser_decode(RowDescription, msg); return { ser_params: make_param_ser(param_desc), Row: make_row_ctor(row_desc), }; } ); } catch (e) { throw ((this.parse_task = null), e); } } portals = 0; portal() { return `${}_${this.portals++}`; } } type ParameterDescription = EncoderType; interface ParameterSerializer { (params: unknown[]): (string | null)[]; } function make_param_ser({ param_types }: ParameterDescription) { return jit.compiled`function ser_params(xs) { return [ ${", ", param_types, (type_oid, i) => { const type = types[type_oid] ?? text; return jit`${type}.output(xs[${i}])`; })} ]; }`; } type RowDescription = EncoderType; interface RowConstructor { new (columns: (BinaryLike | null)[]): Row; } function make_row_ctor({ columns }: RowDescription) { const Row = jit.compiled`function Row(xs) { ${" ", columns, ({ name, type_oid }, i) => { const type = types[type_oid] ?? text; return jit`this[${name}] = xs[${i}] === null ? null : ${type}.input(${from_utf8}(xs[${i}]));`; })} }`; Row.prototype = Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { configurable: true, value: `Row`, }, [Symbol.toPrimitive]: { configurable: true, value: function format() { return [...this].join("\t"); }, }, [Symbol.iterator]: { configurable: true, value: jit.compiled`function* iter() { ${" ", columns, ({ name }) => { return jit`yield this[${name}];`; })} }`, }, }); return Row; } async function read_rows( Row: RowConstructor, stdout: WritableStream | null ) { for (let rows = [], i = 0; ; ) { const msg = msg_check_err(await read_raw()); switch (msg_type(msg)) { default: case DataRow.type: rows[i++] = new Row(ser_decode(DataRow, msg).column_values); continue; case CommandComplete.type: { const { tag } = ser_decode(CommandComplete, msg); return { done: true as const, rows, tag }; } case PortalSuspended.type: return { done: false as const, rows, tag: "" }; case EmptyQueryResponse.type: return { done: true as const, rows, tag: "" }; case CopyInResponse.type: continue; case CopyOutResponse.type: await read_copy_out(stdout); continue; } } } async function read_copy_out(stream: WritableStream | null) { if (stream !== null) { const writer = stream.getWriter(); try { for (let msg; msg_type((msg = await read_raw())) !== CopyDone.type; ) { const { data } = ser_decode(CopyData, msg_check_err(msg)); await writer.write(to_utf8(data)); } await writer.close(); } catch (e) { await writer.abort(e); throw e; } finally { writer.releaseLock(); } } else { while (msg_type(msg_check_err(await read_raw())) !== CopyDone.type); } } async function write_copy_in(stream: ReadableStream | null) { if (stream !== null) { const reader = stream.getReader(); try { for (let next; !(next = await; ) await write(CopyData, { data: next.value }); await write(CopyDone, {}); } catch (e) { await write(CopyFail, { cause: String(e) }); throw e; } finally { reader.releaseLock(); } } else { await write(CopyDone, {}); } } async function* execute_fast( st: Statement, params: unknown[], stdin: ReadableStream | null, stdout: WritableStream | null ): ResultStream { log( "debug", { query: st.query, statement:, params }, `executing query` ); const { ser_params, Row } = await st.parse(); const param_values = ser_params(params); const portal = st.portal(); try { const { rows, tag } = await pipeline( async () => { await write(Bind, { portal, statement:, param_formats: [], param_values, column_formats: [], }); await write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: 0 }); await write_copy_in(stdin); await write(Close, { which: "P" as const, name: portal }); }, async () => { await read(BindComplete); return read_rows(Row, stdout); } ); if (rows.length) yield rows; return { tag }; } catch (e) { try { await pipeline( () => write(Close, { which: "P" as const, name: portal }), () => read(CloseComplete) ); } catch { // ignored } throw e; } } async function* execute_chunked( st: Statement, params: unknown[], chunk_size: number, stdin: ReadableStream | null, stdout: WritableStream | null ): ResultStream { log( "debug", { query: st.query, statement:, params }, `executing chunked query` ); const { ser_params, Row } = await st.parse(); const param_values = ser_params(params); const portal = st.portal(); try { let { done, rows, tag } = await pipeline( async () => { await write(Bind, { portal, statement:, param_formats: [], param_values, column_formats: [], }); await write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: chunk_size }); await write_copy_in(stdin); }, async () => { await read(BindComplete); return read_rows(Row, stdout); } ); if (rows.length) yield rows; while (!done) { ({ done, rows, tag } = await pipeline( () => write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: chunk_size }), () => read_rows(Row, stdout) )); if (rows.length) yield rows; } return { tag }; } finally { await pipeline( () => write(Close, { which: "P" as const, name: portal }), () => read(CloseComplete) ); } } function query(s: SqlFragment) { const { query, params } = sql.format(s); let st = st_cache.get(query); if (!st) st_cache.set(query, (st = new Statement(query))); return new Query(({ chunk_size = 0, stdin = null, stdout = null }) => chunk_size !== 0 ? execute_chunked(st, params, chunk_size, stdin, stdout) : execute_fast(st, params, stdin, stdout) ); } // // let tx_status: "I" | "T" | "E" = "I"; const tx_stack: Transaction[] = []; const tx_begin = query(sql`begin`); const tx_commit = query(sql`commit`); const tx_rollback = query(sql`rollback`); const sp_savepoint = query(sql`savepoint __tx`); const sp_release = query(sql`release __tx`); const sp_rollback_to = query(sql`rollback to __tx`); async function begin() { const tx = new Transaction( await (tx_stack.length ? sp_savepoint.execute() : tx_begin.execute()) ); return tx_stack.push(tx), tx; } const Transaction = class implements Transaction { readonly tag!: string; get open(): boolean { return tx_stack.indexOf(this) !== -1; } constructor(begin: CommandResult) { Object.assign(this, begin); } async commit() { const i = tx_stack.indexOf(this); if (i === -1) throw new WireError(`transaction is not open`); else tx_stack.length = i; return await (i ? sp_release.execute() : tx_commit.execute()); } async rollback() { const i = tx_stack.indexOf(this); if (i === -1) throw new WireError(`transaction is not open`); else tx_stack.length = i; if (i !== 0) { const res = await sp_rollback_to.execute(); return await sp_release.execute(), res; } else { return await tx_rollback.execute(); } } async [Symbol.asyncDispose]() { if ( await this.rollback(); } }; // // const channels = new Map(); async function listen(channel: string) { let ch; if ((ch = channels.get(channel))) return ch; const res = await query(sql`listen ${sql.ident(channel)}`).execute(); if (tx_status !== "I") log("warn", {}, `LISTEN executed inside transaction`); if ((ch = channels.get(channel))) return ch; return channels.set(channel, (ch = new Channel(channel, res))), ch; } async function notify(channel: string, payload: string) { return await query(sql`select pg_notify(${channel}, ${payload})`).execute(); } const Channel = class extends TypedEmitter implements Channel { readonly #name; readonly tag!: string; get name() { return this.#name; } get open(): boolean { return channels.get(this.#name) === this; } constructor(name: string, listen: CommandResult) { super(); Object.assign(this, listen); this.#name = name; } notify(payload: string) { return notify(this.#name, payload); } async unlisten() { const name = this.#name; if (channels.get(name) === this) channels.delete(name); else throw new WireError(`channel is not listening`); return await query(sql`unlisten ${sql.ident(name)}`).execute(); } async [Symbol.asyncDispose]() { if ( await this.unlisten(); } }; return { params, auth, query, begin, listen, notify, close }; } export interface PoolOptions extends WireOptions { max_connections: number; idle_timeout: number; } export type PoolEvents = { log(level: LogLevel, ctx: object, msg: string): void; }; export interface PoolWire extends Wire { readonly connection_id: number; readonly borrowed: boolean; release(): void; } export interface PoolTransaction extends Transaction { readonly wire: PoolWire; } export class Pool extends TypedEmitter implements PromiseLike, Disposable { readonly #acquire; readonly #begin; readonly #close; constructor(options: PoolOptions) { super(); ({ acquire: this.#acquire, begin: this.#begin, close: this.#close, } = pool_impl(this, options)); } get(): Promise; get(f: (wire: PoolWire) => T | PromiseLike): Promise; async get(f?: (wire: PoolWire) => unknown) { if (typeof f !== "undefined") { using wire = await this.#acquire(); return await f(wire); } else { return this.#acquire(); } } query(sql: SqlFragment): Query; query(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): Query; query(s: TemplateStringsArray | SqlFragment, ...xs: unknown[]) { s = is_sql(s) ? s : sql(s, ...xs); const acquire = this.#acquire; return new Query(async function* stream(options) { using wire = await acquire(); return yield* wire.query(s).stream(options); }); } begin(): Promise; begin( f: (wire: PoolWire, tx: PoolTransaction) => T | PromiseLike ): Promise; async begin(f?: (wire: PoolWire, tx: PoolTransaction) => unknown) { if (typeof f !== "undefined") { await using tx = await this.#begin(); const value = await f(tx.wire, tx); if ( await tx.commit(); return value; } else { return this.#begin(); } } then( f?: ((wire: PoolWire) => T | PromiseLike) | null, g?: ((reason?: unknown) => U | PromiseLike) | null ) { return this.get().then(f, g); } close() { this.#close(); } [Symbol.dispose]() { this.close(); } } function pool_impl( pool: Pool, { max_connections, idle_timeout: _, ...options }: PoolOptions ) { const lock = semaphore(max_connections); const all = new Set(); const free: PoolWire[] = []; let ids = 0; const PoolWire = class extends Wire implements PoolWire { readonly #id = ids++; get connection_id() { return this.#id; } get borrowed(): boolean { return free.indexOf(this) === -1; } release() { if (all.has(this) && free.indexOf(this) === -1) free.push(this), lock.release(); } override [Symbol.dispose]() { this.release(); } }; const PoolTransaction = class implements Transaction { readonly #wire; readonly #tx; get wire() { return this.#wire; } get tag() { return this.#tx.tag; } get open() { return; } constructor(wire: PoolWire, tx: Transaction) { this.#wire = wire; this.#tx = tx; } async commit() { const res = await this.#tx.commit(); return this.#wire.release(), res; } async rollback() { const res = await this.#tx.rollback(); return this.#wire.release(), res; } async [Symbol.asyncDispose]() { if ( await this.rollback(); } }; async function connect() { const { host, port } = options; const wire = new PoolWire(await socket_connect(host, port), options); await wire.connected, all.add(wire); const { connection_id } = wire; return wire .on("log", (l, c, s) => pool.emit("log", l, { ...c, connection_id }, s)) .on("close", () => forget(wire)); } async function acquire() { await lock(); try { return free.pop() ?? (await connect()); } catch (e) { throw (lock.release(), e); } } function forget(wire: PoolWire) { if (all.delete(wire)) { const i = free.indexOf(wire); if (i !== -1) free.splice(i, 1); else lock.release(); } } async function begin() { const wire = await acquire(); try { return new PoolTransaction(wire, await wire.begin()); } catch (e) { throw (wire.release(), e); } } function close() { for (const wire of all) wire.close(); all.clear(), (free.length = 0), lock.reset(max_connections); } return { acquire, begin, close }; }