import pglue, { PostgresError, SqlTypeError } from "./mod.ts"; import { expect } from "jsr:@std/expect"; import { toText } from "jsr:@std/streams"; async function connect(params?: Record) { const pg = await pglue.connect(`postgres://test:test@localhost:5432/test`, { runtime_params: { client_min_messages: "INFO", ...params }, }); return pg.on("log", (_level, ctx, msg) => {`${msg}`, ctx); }); } Deno.test(`integers`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); const [{ a, b, c }] = await pg.query` select ${"0x100"}::int2 as a, ${777}::int4 as b, ${{ [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint: string) { expect(hint).toBe("number"); return "1234"; }, }}::int8 as c `.first(); expect(a).toBe(0x100); expect(b).toBe(777); expect(c).toBe(1234); const [{ large }] = await pg.query`select ${"10000000000000000"}::int8 as large`.first(); expect(large).toBe(10000000000000000n); await expect(pg.query`select ${100000}::int2`).rejects.toThrow(SqlTypeError); await expect(pg.query`select ${"100000"}::text::int2`).rejects.toThrow( PostgresError ); }); Deno.test(`boolean`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); const [{ a, b, c }] = await pg.query` select ${true}::bool as a, ${"n"}::bool as b, ${undefined}::bool as c `.first(); expect(a).toBe(true); expect(b).toBe(false); expect(c).toBe(null); }); Deno.test(`bytea`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); const [{ string, array, buffer }] = await pg.query` select ${"hello, world"}::bytea as string, ${[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}::bytea as array, ${Uint8Array.of(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)}::bytea as buffer `.first(); expect(string).toEqual(new TextEncoder().encode("hello, world")); expect(array).toEqual(Uint8Array.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); expect(buffer).toEqual(Uint8Array.of(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)); }); Deno.test(`row`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); expect( ( await pg.query`create table my_table (a text not null, b text not null, c text not null)` ).tag ).toBe(`CREATE TABLE`); expect( ( await pg.query`copy my_table from stdin`.stdin( `field a\tfield b\tfield c` ) ).tag ).toBe(`COPY 1`); const [row] = await pg.query`select * from my_table`.first(); { // columns by name const { a, b, c } = row; expect(a).toBe("field a"); expect(b).toBe("field b"); expect(c).toBe("field c"); } { // columns by index const [a, b, c] = row; expect(a).toBe("field a"); expect(b).toBe("field b"); expect(c).toBe("field c"); } const { readable, writable } = new TransformStream( {}, new ByteLengthQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 4096 }), new ByteLengthQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 4096 }) ); await pg.query`copy my_table to stdout`.stdout(writable); expect(await toText(readable)).toBe(`field a\tfield b\tfield c\n`); }); Deno.test(`sql injection`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); const input = `injection'); drop table users; --`; expect((await pg.query`create table users (name text not null)`).tag).toBe( `CREATE TABLE` ); expect((await pg.query`insert into users (name) values (${input})`).tag).toBe( `INSERT 0 1` ); const [{ name }] = await pg.query<{ name: string }>` select name from users `.first(); expect(name).toBe(input); }); Deno.test(`listen/notify`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); const sent: string[] = []; await using ch = await pg.listen(`my channel`, (payload) => { expect(payload).toBe(sent.shift()); }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const payload = `test payload ${i}`; sent.push(payload); await ch.notify(payload); } expect(sent.length).toBe(0); }); Deno.test(`transactions`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await pg.begin(async (pg) => { await pg.begin(async (pg, tx) => { await pg.query`create table my_table (field text not null)`; await tx.rollback(); }); await expect(pg.query`select * from my_table`).rejects.toThrow( PostgresError ); }); await expect(pg.query`select * from my_table`).rejects.toThrow(PostgresError); await pg.begin(async (pg) => { await pg.begin(async (pg, tx) => { await pg.begin(async (pg, tx) => { await pg.begin(async (pg) => { await pg.query`create table my_table (field text not null)`; }); await tx.commit(); }); expect(await pg.query`select * from my_table`.count()).toBe(0); await tx.rollback(); }); await expect(pg.query`select * from my_table`).rejects.toThrow( PostgresError ); }); }); Deno.test(`streaming`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); await pg.query`create table my_table (field text not null)`; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await pg.query`insert into my_table (field) values (${i})`; } let i = 0; for await (const chunk of pg.query`select * from my_table`.chunked(5)) { expect(chunk.length).toBe(5); for (const row of chunk) expect(row.field).toBe(`${i++}`); } expect(i).toBe(20); }); Deno.test(`simple`, async () => { await using pg = await connect(); await using _tx = await pg.begin(); const rows = await pg.query` create table my_table (field text not null); insert into my_table (field) values ('one'), ('two'), ('three'); select * from my_table; select * from my_table where field = 'two'; `.simple(); expect(rows.length).toBe(4); const [{ field: a }, { field: b }, { field: c }, { field: d }] = rows; expect(a).toBe("one"); expect(b).toBe("two"); expect(c).toBe("three"); expect(d).toBe("two"); });