Rewrite type handling to be more performant
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import {
} from "./valita.ts";
} from "./valita.ts";
import { Pool, wire_connect, type LogLevel } from "./wire.ts";
import { Pool, wire_connect, type LogLevel } from "./wire.ts";
import { type FromSql, type ToSql, from_sql, to_sql } from "./sql.ts";
import { sql_types, type SqlType, type SqlTypeMap } from "./query.ts";
export {
export {
@ -21,13 +21,11 @@ export {
} from "./wire.ts";
} from "./wire.ts";
export {
export {
type SqlFragment,
type SqlFragment,
type FromSql,
type SqlType,
type ToSql,
type SqlTypeMap,
} from "./sql.ts";
export {
type Row,
type Row,
type CommandResult,
type CommandResult,
@ -45,8 +43,7 @@ export type Options = {
max_connections?: number;
max_connections?: number;
idle_timeout?: number;
idle_timeout?: number;
runtime_params?: Record<string, string>;
runtime_params?: Record<string, string>;
from_sql?: FromSql;
types?: SqlTypeMap;
to_sql?: ToSql;
type ParsedOptions = Infer<typeof ParsedOptions>;
type ParsedOptions = Infer<typeof ParsedOptions>;
@ -64,15 +61,12 @@ const ParsedOptions = object({
runtime_params: record(string()).optional(() => ({})),
runtime_params: record(string()).optional(() => ({})),
max_connections: number().optional(() => 10),
max_connections: number().optional(() => 10),
idle_timeout: number().optional(() => 20),
idle_timeout: number().optional(() => 20),
from_sql: unknown()
types: record(unknown())
.assert((s): s is FromSql => typeof s === "function")
.optional(() => ({}))
.optional(() => from_sql),
.map((types): SqlTypeMap => ({ ...sql_types, ...types })),
to_sql: unknown()
.assert((s): s is ToSql => typeof s === "function")
.optional(() => to_sql),
function parse_opts(s: string, options: Options) {
function parse_opts(s: string, opts: Options) {
const {
const {
@ -87,13 +81,13 @@ function parse_opts(s: string, options: Options) {
return ParsedOptions.parse({
return ParsedOptions.parse({
host: ?? host ?? PGHOST ?? undefined,
host: ?? host ?? PGHOST ?? undefined,
port: options.port ?? port ?? PGPORT ?? undefined,
port: opts.port ?? port ?? PGPORT ?? undefined,
user: options.user ?? user ?? PGUSER ?? USER ?? undefined,
user: opts.user ?? user ?? PGUSER ?? USER ?? undefined,
password: options.password ?? password ?? PGPASSWORD ?? undefined,
password: opts.password ?? password ?? PGPASSWORD ?? undefined,
database: options.database ?? database ?? PGDATABASE ?? undefined,
database: opts.database ?? database ?? PGDATABASE ?? undefined,
runtime_params: { ...runtime_params, ...options.runtime_params },
runtime_params: { ...runtime_params, ...opts.runtime_params },
@ -6,8 +6,18 @@ await using pool = postgres(`postgres://test:test@localhost:5432/test`, {
pool.on("log", (level, ctx, msg) =>`${level}: ${msg}`, ctx));
pool.on("log", (level, ctx, msg) =>`${level}: ${msg}`, ctx));
await pool.begin(async (pg) => {
await pool.begin(async (pg, tx) => {
await pg.begin(async (pg) => {
await pg.query`
console.log(await pg.query`select * from pg_user`);
create table my_test (
key integer primary key generated always as identity,
data text not null
await pg.query`
insert into my_test (data) values (${[1, 2, 3]}::bytea)
console.log(await pg.query`select * from my_test`);
await tx.rollback();
@ -1,62 +1,302 @@
import type { ObjectType } from "./valita.ts";
import type { ObjectType } from "./valita.ts";
import { from_utf8, jit, to_utf8 } from "./lstd.ts";
import { from_hex, to_hex, to_utf8 } from "./lstd.ts";
import { type FromSql, SqlValue } from "./sql.ts";
export interface Row extends Iterable<unknown, void, void> {
export const sql_format = Symbol.for(`re.lua.pglue.sql_format`);
[column: string]: unknown;
export interface SqlFragment {
[sql_format](f: SqlFormatter): void;
export interface RowConstructor {
export interface SqlFormatter {
new (columns: (Uint8Array | string | null)[]): Row;
query: string;
params: unknown[];
export interface RowDescription extends ReadonlyArray<ColumnDescription> {}
export function is_sql(x: unknown): x is SqlFragment {
return typeof x === "object" && x !== null && sql_format in x;
export interface ColumnDescription {
readonly name: string;
readonly table_oid: number;
readonly table_column: number;
readonly type_oid: number;
readonly type_size: number;
readonly type_modifier: number;
export function row_ctor(from_sql: FromSql, columns: RowDescription) {
export function sql(
function parse(s: Uint8Array | string | null | undefined) {
{ raw: s }: TemplateStringsArray,
if (!s && s !== "") return null;
...xs: unknown[]
else return from_utf8(s);
): SqlFragment {
return {
[sql_format](fmt) {
for (let i = 0, n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i !== 0) fmt_format(fmt, xs[i - 1]);
fmt.query += s[i];
export function fmt_write(fmt: SqlFormatter, s: string | SqlFragment) {
is_sql(s) ? s[sql_format](fmt) : (fmt.query += s);
export function fmt_format(fmt: SqlFormatter, x: unknown) {
is_sql(x) ? x[sql_format](fmt) : fmt_enclose(fmt, x);
export function fmt_enclose(fmt: SqlFormatter, x: unknown) {
const { params } = fmt;
params.push(x), (fmt.query += `$` + params.length);
sql.format = format;
sql.raw = raw;
sql.ident = ident;
sql.fragment = fragment;
| = map;
sql.array = array;
sql.row = row;
export function format(sql: SqlFragment) {
const fmt: SqlFormatter = { query: "", params: [] };
return sql[sql_format](fmt), fmt;
export function raw(s: string): SqlFragment;
export function raw(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment;
export function raw(
s: TemplateStringsArray | string,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
s = typeof s === "string" ? s : String.raw(s, ...xs);
return {
[sql_format](fmt) {
fmt.query += s;
export function ident(s: string): SqlFragment;
export function ident(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment;
export function ident(s: TemplateStringsArray | string, ...xs: unknown[]) {
s = typeof s === "string" ? s : String.raw(s, ...xs);
return raw`"${s.replaceAll('"', '""')}"`;
export function fragment(
sep: string | SqlFragment,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
return {
[sql_format](fmt) {
for (let i = 0, n = xs.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i !== 0) fmt_write(fmt, sep);
fmt_format(fmt, xs[i]);
export function map<T>(
sep: string | SqlFragment,
xs: Iterable<T>,
f: (value: T, index: number) => unknown
) {
return fragment(sep, ...Iterator.from(xs).map(f));
export function array(...xs: unknown[]) {
return sql`array[${fragment(", ", ...xs)}]`;
export function row(...xs: unknown[]) {
return sql`row(${fragment(", ", ...xs)})`;
export interface SqlType {
input(value: string): unknown;
output(value: unknown): string | null;
export interface SqlTypeMap {
readonly [oid: number]: SqlType | undefined;
export class SqlTypeError extends TypeError {
override get name() {
const Row = jit.compiled<RowConstructor>`function Row(xs) {
${" ", columns, ({ name, type_oid }, i) => {
return jit`this[${name}] = ${from_sql}(new ${SqlValue}(${type_oid}, ${parse}(xs[${i}])));`;
Row.prototype = Object.create(null, {
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
configurable: true,
value: `Row`,
[Symbol.toPrimitive]: {
configurable: true,
value: function format() {
return [...this].join("\t");
[Symbol.iterator]: {
configurable: true,
value: jit.compiled`function* iter() {
${" ", columns, ({ name }) => {
return jit`yield this[${name}];`;
return Row;
export const bool: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return s !== "f";
output(x) {
return typeof x === "undefined" || x === null ? null : x ? "t" : "f";
export const text: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return s;
output(x) {
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "string") return x;
else return String(x);
export const int2: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const n = Number(s);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -32768 <= n && n <= 32767) return n;
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int2 input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else n = Number(x);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -32768 <= n && n <= 32767) return n.toString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int2 output '${x}'`);
export const int4: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const n = Number(s);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -2147483648 <= n && n <= 2147483647) return n;
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int4 input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else n = Number(x);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -2147483648 <= n && n <= 2147483647)
return n.toString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int4 output '${x}'`);
export const int8: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const n = BigInt(s);
if (-9007199254740991n <= n && n <= 9007199254740991n) return Number(n);
else if (-9223372036854775808n <= n && n <= 9223372036854775807n) return n;
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int8 input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let n: number | bigint;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "bigint") n = x;
else if (typeof x === "string") n = BigInt(x);
else n = Number(x);
if (Number.isInteger(n)) {
if (-9007199254740991 <= n && n <= 9007199254740991) return n.toString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`unsafe int8 output '${x}'`);
} else if (typeof n === "bigint") {
if (-9223372036854775808n <= n && n <= 9223372036854775807n)
return n.toString();
throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int8 output '${x}'`);
export const float4: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return Math.fround(Number(s));
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else {
n = Number(x);
if (Number.isNaN(n))
throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid float4 output '${x}'`);
return Math.fround(n).toString();
export const float8: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return Number(s);
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else {
n = Number(x);
if (Number.isNaN(n))
throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid float8 output '${x}'`);
return n.toString();
export const timestamptz: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const t = Date.parse(s);
if (!Number.isNaN(t)) return new Date(t);
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid timestamptz input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let t: Date;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (x instanceof Date) t = x;
else if (typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "bigint")
t = new Date(Number(x) * 1000); // unix epoch seconds
else t = new Date(String(x));
if (Number.isFinite(t.getTime())) return t.toISOString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid timestamptz output '${x}'`);
export const bytea: SqlType = {
input(s) {
if (s.startsWith(`\\x`)) return from_hex(s.slice(2));
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid bytea input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let buf: Uint8Array;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "string") buf = to_utf8(x);
else if (x instanceof Uint8Array) buf = x;
else if (x instanceof ArrayBuffer || x instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)
buf = new Uint8Array(x);
else if (Array.isArray(x) || x instanceof Array) buf = Uint8Array.from(x);
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid bytea output '${x}'`);
return `\\x` + to_hex(buf);
export const json: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return JSON.parse(s);
output(x) {
return typeof x === "undefined" ? null : JSON.stringify(x);
export const sql_types: SqlTypeMap = {
16: bool, // bool
25: text, // text
21: int2, // int2
23: int4, // int4
20: int8, // int8
26: int8, // oid
700: float4, // float4
701: float8, // float8
1082: timestamptz, // date
1114: timestamptz, // timestamp
1184: timestamptz, // timestamptz
17: bytea, // bytea
114: json, // json
3802: json, // jsonb
sql.types = sql_types;
type ReadonlyTuple<T extends readonly unknown[]> = readonly [...T];
type ReadonlyTuple<T extends readonly unknown[]> = readonly [...T];
export interface CommandResult {
export interface CommandResult {
@ -74,6 +314,10 @@ export interface Results<T> extends CommandResult, ReadonlyArray<T> {
export interface ResultStream<T>
export interface ResultStream<T>
extends AsyncIterable<T[], CommandResult, void> {}
extends AsyncIterable<T[], CommandResult, void> {}
export interface Row extends Iterable<unknown, void, void> {
[column: string]: unknown;
export interface QueryOptions {
export interface QueryOptions {
readonly chunk_size: number;
readonly chunk_size: number;
readonly stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null;
readonly stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null;
@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
import { from_hex, to_hex } from "./lstd.ts";
export const sql_format = Symbol.for(`re.lua.pglue.sql_format`);
export interface SqlFragment {
[sql_format](f: SqlFormatter): void;
export function is_sql(x: unknown): x is SqlFragment {
return typeof x === "object" && x !== null && sql_format in x;
export interface FromSql {
(x: SqlValue): unknown;
export interface ToSql {
(x: unknown): SqlFragment;
export const from_sql = function from_sql(x) {
const { type, value } = x;
if (value === null) return null;
switch (type) {
case 16: // boolean
return boolean.parse(value);
case 25: // text
return text.parse(value);
case 21: // int2
return int2.parse(value);
case 23: // int4
return int4.parse(value);
case 20: // int8
case 26: // oid
return int8.parse(value);
case 700: // float4
return float4.parse(value);
case 701: // float8
return float8.parse(value);
case 1082: // date
case 1114: // timestamp
case 1184: // timestamptz
return timestamptz.parse(value);
case 17: // bytea
return bytea.parse(value);
case 114: // json
case 3802: // jsonb
return json.parse(value);
return x;
} as FromSql;
export const to_sql = function to_sql(x) {
switch (typeof x) {
case "undefined":
return nil();
case "boolean":
return boolean(x);
case "number":
return float8(x);
case "bigint":
return int8(x);
case "string":
case "symbol":
case "function":
return text(x);
switch (true) {
case x === null:
return nil();
case is_sql(x):
return x;
case Array.isArray(x):
return array(...(x instanceof Array ? x : Array.from(x)));
case x instanceof Date:
return timestamptz(x);
case x instanceof Uint8Array:
case x instanceof ArrayBuffer:
case x instanceof SharedArrayBuffer:
return bytea(x);
throw new TypeError(`cannot convert input '${x}' to sql`);
} as ToSql;
export class SqlValue implements SqlFragment {
readonly type: number,
readonly value: string | null
) {}
[sql_format](f: SqlFormatter) {
f.write_param(this.type, this.value);
[Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return `${}<${this.type}>`;
[Symbol.toPrimitive]() {
return this.value;
toString() {
return String(this.value);
toJSON() {
return this.value;
export function value(type: number, x: unknown) {
const s = x === null || typeof x === "undefined" ? null : String(x);
return new SqlValue(type, s);
export class SqlFormatter {
readonly #ser;
#query = "";
#params = {
types: [] as number[],
values: [] as (string | null)[],
get query() {
return this.#query.trim();
get params() {
return this.#params;
constructor(serializer: ToSql) {
this.#ser = serializer;
write(s: string | SqlFragment) {
if (is_sql(s)) s[sql_format](this);
else this.#query += s;
write_param(type: number, s: string | null) {
const { types, values } = this.#params;
types.push(type), values.push(s), this.write(`$` + values.length);
format(x: unknown) {
this.write(is_sql(x) ? x : this.#ser(x));
export function format(sql: SqlFragment, serializer = to_sql) {
const fmt = new SqlFormatter(serializer);
return fmt.write(sql), fmt;
export function sql(
{ raw: s }: TemplateStringsArray,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
return {
[sql_format](f) {
for (let i = 0, n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i !== 0) f.format(xs[i - 1]);
sql.value = value;
sql.format = format;
sql.raw = raw;
sql.ident = ident;
sql.fragment = fragment;
|||||| = map;
sql.array = array;
sql.row = row;
sql.null = nil;
sql.boolean = boolean;
sql.text = text;
sql.int2 = int2;
sql.int4 = int4;
sql.int8 = int8;
sql.float4 = float4;
sql.float8 = float8;
sql.timestamptz = timestamptz;
sql.bytea = bytea;
sql.json = json;
export function raw(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment;
export function raw(s: string): SqlFragment;
export function raw(
s: TemplateStringsArray | string,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
s = typeof s === "string" ? s : String.raw(s, ...xs);
return {
[sql_format](f) {
export function ident(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment;
export function ident(s: string): SqlFragment;
export function ident(s: TemplateStringsArray | string, ...xs: unknown[]) {
s = typeof s === "string" ? s : String.raw(s, ...xs);
return raw`"${s.replaceAll('"', '""')}"`;
export function fragment(
sep: string | SqlFragment,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
return {
[sql_format](f) {
for (let i = 0, n = xs.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i !== 0) f.write(sep);
export function map<T>(
sep: string | SqlFragment,
xs: Iterable<T>,
f: (value: T, index: number) => unknown
): SqlFragment {
return fragment(sep, ...Iterator.from(xs).map(f));
export function array(...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment {
return sql`array[${fragment(", ", ...xs)}]`;
export function row(...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment {
return sql`row(${fragment(", ", ...xs)})`;
boolean.oid = 16 as const;
text.oid = 25 as const;
int2.oid = 21 as const;
int4.oid = 23 as const;
int8.oid = 20 as const;
float4.oid = 700 as const;
float8.oid = 701 as const;
timestamptz.oid = 1184 as const;
bytea.oid = 17 as const;
json.oid = 114 as const;
export function nil() {
return value(0, null);
Object.defineProperty(nil, "name", { configurable: true, value: "null" });
export function boolean(x: unknown) {
return value(
x === null || typeof x === "undefined" ? null : x ? "t" : "f"
boolean.parse = function parse_boolean(s: string) {
return s === "t";
export function text(x: unknown) {
return value(text.oid, x);
text.parse = function parse_text(s: string) {
return s;
const i2_min = -32768;
const i2_max = 32767;
export function int2(x: unknown) {
return value(int2.oid, x);
int2.parse = function parse_int2(s: string) {
const n = Number(s);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && i2_min <= n && n <= i2_max) return n;
else throw new TypeError(`input '${s}' is not a valid int2 value`);
const i4_min = -2147483648;
const i4_max = 2147483647;
export function int4(x: unknown) {
return value(int4.oid, x);
int4.parse = function parse_int4(s: string) {
const n = Number(s);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && i4_min <= n && n <= i4_max) return n;
else throw new TypeError(`input '${s}' is not a valid int4 value`);
const i8_min = -9223372036854775808n;
const i8_max = 9223372036854775807n;
export function int8(x: unknown) {
return value(int8.oid, x);
function to_int8(n: number | bigint) {
if (typeof n === "bigint") return i8_min <= n && n <= i8_max ? n : null;
else return Number.isSafeInteger(n) ? BigInt(n) : null;
int8.parse = function parse_int8(s: string) {
const n = to_int8(BigInt(s));
if (n !== null) return to_float8(n) ?? n;
else throw new TypeError(`input '${s}' is not a valid int8 value`);
const f8_min = -9007199254740991n;
const f8_max = 9007199254740991n;
export function float4(x: unknown) {
return value(float4.oid, x);
export function float8(x: unknown) {
return value(float8.oid, x);
function to_float8(n: number | bigint) {
if (typeof n === "bigint")
return f8_min <= n && n <= f8_max ? Number(n) : null;
else return Number.isNaN(n) ? null : n;
float4.parse = float8.parse = function parse_float8(s: string) {
const n = to_float8(Number(s));
if (n !== null) return n;
else throw new TypeError(`input '${s}' is not a valid float8 value`);
export function timestamptz(x: unknown) {
if (x instanceof Date) x = x.toISOString();
else if (typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "bigint")
x = new Date(Number(x) * 1000).toISOString(); // unix epoch
return value(timestamptz.oid, x);
timestamptz.parse = function parse_timestamptz(s: string) {
const t = Date.parse(s);
if (!Number.isNaN(t)) return new Date(t);
else throw new TypeError(`input '${s}' is not a valid timestamptz value`);
export function bytea(x: Uint8Array | ArrayBufferLike | Iterable<number>) {
let buf;
if (x instanceof Uint8Array) buf = x;
else if (x instanceof ArrayBuffer || x instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)
buf = new Uint8Array(x);
else buf = Uint8Array.from(x);
return value(bytea.oid, `\\x` + to_hex(buf));
bytea.parse = function parse_bytea(s: string) {
if (s.startsWith(`\\x`)) return from_hex(s.slice(2));
else throw new TypeError(`input is not a valid bytea value`);
export function json(x: unknown) {
return value(json.oid, JSON.stringify(x) ?? null);
json.parse = function parse_json(s: string): unknown {
return JSON.parse(s);
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import {
import {
type BinaryLike,
@ -28,21 +30,18 @@ import {
type EncoderType,
} from "./ser.ts";
} from "./ser.ts";
import {
type FromSql,
type SqlFragment,
type ToSql,
} from "./sql.ts";
import {
import {
type CommandResult,
type CommandResult,
type ResultStream,
type ResultStream,
type Row,
type Row,
type RowConstructor,
type SqlFragment,
type SqlTypeMap,
} from "./query.ts";
} from "./query.ts";
import { join } from "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.8";
import { join } from "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.8";
@ -446,8 +445,7 @@ export interface WireOptions {
readonly password: string;
readonly password: string;
readonly database: string | null;
readonly database: string | null;
readonly runtime_params: Record<string, string>;
readonly runtime_params: Record<string, string>;
readonly from_sql: FromSql;
readonly types: SqlTypeMap;
readonly to_sql: ToSql;
export type WireEvents = {
export type WireEvents = {
@ -542,7 +540,8 @@ export class Wire extends TypedEmitter<WireEvents> implements Disposable {
if (typeof f !== "undefined") {
if (typeof f !== "undefined") {
await using tx = await this.#begin();
await using tx = await this.#begin();
const value = await f(this, tx);
const value = await f(this, tx);
return await tx.commit(), value;
if ( await tx.commit();
return value;
} else {
} else {
return this.#begin();
return this.#begin();
@ -583,7 +582,7 @@ export class Wire extends TypedEmitter<WireEvents> implements Disposable {
function wire_impl(
function wire_impl(
wire: Wire,
wire: Wire,
socket: Deno.Conn,
socket: Deno.Conn,
{ user, database, password, runtime_params, from_sql, to_sql }: WireOptions
{ user, database, password, runtime_params, types }: WireOptions
) {
) {
const params: Parameters = Object.create(null);
const params: Parameters = Object.create(null);
@ -878,45 +877,42 @@ function wire_impl(
const st_cache = new Map<string, Statement>();
const st_cache = new Map<string, Statement>();
let st_ids = 0;
let st_ids = 0;
function st_get(query: string, param_types: number[]) {
const key = JSON.stringify({ q: query, p: param_types });
let st = st_cache.get(key);
if (!st) st_cache.set(key, (st = new Statement(query, param_types)));
return st;
class Statement {
class Statement {
readonly name = `__st${st_ids++}`;
readonly name = `__st${st_ids++}`;
constructor(readonly query: string) {}
parse_task: Promise<{
readonly query: string,
ser_params: ParameterSerializer;
readonly param_types: number[]
Row: RowConstructor;
) {}
}> | null = null;
parse_task: Promise<RowConstructor> | null = null;
parse() {
parse() {
return (this.parse_task ??= this.#parse());
return (this.parse_task ??= this.#parse());
async #parse() {
async #parse() {
try {
try {
const { name, query, param_types } = this;
const { name, query } = this;
return row_ctor(
return await pipeline(
async () => {
await pipeline(
await write(Parse, { statement: name, query, param_types: [] });
async () => {
await write(Describe, { which: "S", name });
await write(Parse, { statement: name, query, param_types });
await write(Describe, { which: "S", name });
async () => {
await read(ParseComplete);
async () => {
const param_desc = await read(ParameterDescription);
await read(ParseComplete);
await read(ParameterDescription);
const msg = msg_check_err(await read_raw());
const msg = msg_check_err(await read_raw());
if (msg_type(msg) === NoData.type) return [];
const row_desc =
else return ser_decode(RowDescription, msg).columns;
msg_type(msg) === NoData.type
? { columns: [] }
: ser_decode(RowDescription, msg);
return {
ser_params: param_ser(param_desc),
Row: row_ctor(row_desc),
} catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
throw ((this.parse_task = null), e);
throw ((this.parse_task = null), e);
@ -929,6 +925,59 @@ function wire_impl(
type ParameterDescription = EncoderType<typeof ParameterDescription>;
interface ParameterSerializer {
(params: unknown[]): (string | null)[];
function param_ser({ param_types }: ParameterDescription) {
return jit.compiled<ParameterSerializer>`function ser_params(xs) {
return [
${", ", param_types, (type_oid, i) => {
const type = types[type_oid] ?? text;
return jit`${type}.output(xs[${i}])`;
type RowDescription = EncoderType<typeof RowDescription>;
interface RowConstructor {
new (columns: (BinaryLike | null)[]): Row;
function row_ctor({ columns }: RowDescription) {
const Row = jit.compiled<RowConstructor>`function Row(xs) {
${" ", columns, ({ name, type_oid }, i) => {
const type = types[type_oid] ?? text;
return jit`this[${name}] = xs[${i}] === null ? null : ${type}.input(${from_utf8}(xs[${i}]));`;
Row.prototype = Object.create(null, {
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
configurable: true,
value: `Row`,
[Symbol.toPrimitive]: {
configurable: true,
value: function format() {
return [...this].join("\t");
[Symbol.iterator]: {
configurable: true,
value: jit.compiled`function* iter() {
${" ", columns, ({ name }) => {
return jit`yield this[${name}];`;
return Row;
async function read_rows(
async function read_rows(
Row: RowConstructor,
Row: RowConstructor,
stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null
stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null
@ -1002,7 +1051,7 @@ function wire_impl(
async function* execute_fast(
async function* execute_fast(
st: Statement,
st: Statement,
params: { types: number[]; values: (string | null)[] },
params: unknown[],
stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null,
stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null,
stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null
stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null
): ResultStream<Row> {
): ResultStream<Row> {
@ -1012,7 +1061,8 @@ function wire_impl(
`executing query`
`executing query`
const Row = await st.parse();
const { ser_params, Row } = await st.parse();
const param_values = ser_params(params);
const portal = st.portal();
const portal = st.portal();
try {
try {
@ -1022,7 +1072,7 @@ function wire_impl(
param_formats: [],
param_formats: [],
param_values: params.values,
column_formats: [],
column_formats: [],
await write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: 0 });
await write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: 0 });
@ -1049,7 +1099,7 @@ function wire_impl(
async function* execute_chunked(
async function* execute_chunked(
st: Statement,
st: Statement,
params: { types: number[]; values: (string | null)[] },
params: unknown[],
chunk_size: number,
chunk_size: number,
stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null,
stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null,
stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null
stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null
@ -1060,7 +1110,8 @@ function wire_impl(
`executing chunked query`
`executing chunked query`
const Row = await st.parse();
const { ser_params, Row } = await st.parse();
const param_values = ser_params(params);
const portal = st.portal();
const portal = st.portal();
try {
try {
@ -1070,7 +1121,7 @@ function wire_impl(
param_formats: [],
param_formats: [],
param_values: params.values,
column_formats: [],
column_formats: [],
await write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: chunk_size });
await write(Execute, { portal, row_limit: chunk_size });
@ -1103,8 +1154,9 @@ function wire_impl(
function query(s: SqlFragment) {
function query(s: SqlFragment) {
const { query, params } = sql.format(s, to_sql);
const { query, params } = sql.format(s);
const st = st_get(query, params.types);
let st = st_cache.get(query);
if (!st) st_cache.set(query, (st = new Statement(query)));
return new Query(({ chunk_size = 0, stdin = null, stdout = null }) =>
return new Query(({ chunk_size = 0, stdin = null, stdout = null }) =>
chunk_size !== 0
chunk_size !== 0
@ -1287,7 +1339,8 @@ export class Pool
if (typeof f !== "undefined") {
if (typeof f !== "undefined") {
await using tx = await this.#begin();
await using tx = await this.#begin();
const value = await f(tx.wire, tx);
const value = await f(tx.wire, tx);
return await tx.commit(), value;
if ( await tx.commit();
return value;
} else {
} else {
return this.#begin();
return this.#begin();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user