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2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
import type { ObjectType } from "./valita.ts";
import { from_hex, to_hex, to_utf8 } from "./lstd.ts";
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export const sql_format = Symbol.for(`re.lua.pglue.sql_format`);
export interface SqlFragment {
[sql_format](f: SqlFormatter): void;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export interface SqlFormatter {
query: string;
params: unknown[];
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function is_sql(x: unknown): x is SqlFragment {
return typeof x === "object" && x !== null && sql_format in x;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function sql(
{ raw: s }: TemplateStringsArray,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
return {
[sql_format](fmt) {
for (let i = 0, n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i !== 0) fmt_format(fmt, xs[i - 1]);
fmt.query += s[i];
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function fmt_write(fmt: SqlFormatter, s: string | SqlFragment) {
is_sql(s) ? s[sql_format](fmt) : (fmt.query += s);
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function fmt_format(fmt: SqlFormatter, x: unknown) {
is_sql(x) ? x[sql_format](fmt) : fmt_enclose(fmt, x);
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function fmt_enclose(fmt: SqlFormatter, x: unknown) {
const { params } = fmt;
params.push(x), (fmt.query += `$` + params.length);
sql.format = format;
sql.raw = raw;
sql.ident = ident;
sql.fragment = fragment; = map;
sql.array = array;
sql.row = row;
export function format(sql: SqlFragment) {
const fmt: SqlFormatter = { query: "", params: [] };
return sql[sql_format](fmt), fmt;
export function raw(s: string): SqlFragment;
export function raw(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment;
export function raw(
s: TemplateStringsArray | string,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
s = typeof s === "string" ? s : String.raw(s, ...xs);
return {
[sql_format](fmt) {
fmt.query += s;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function ident(s: string): SqlFragment;
export function ident(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...xs: unknown[]): SqlFragment;
export function ident(s: TemplateStringsArray | string, ...xs: unknown[]) {
s = typeof s === "string" ? s : String.raw(s, ...xs);
return raw`"${s.replaceAll('"', '""')}"`;
export function fragment(
sep: string | SqlFragment,
...xs: unknown[]
): SqlFragment {
return {
[sql_format](fmt) {
for (let i = 0, n = xs.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i !== 0) fmt_write(fmt, sep);
fmt_format(fmt, xs[i]);
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function map<T>(
sep: string | SqlFragment,
xs: Iterable<T>,
f: (value: T, index: number) => unknown
) {
return fragment(sep, ...Iterator.from(xs).map(f));
export function array(...xs: unknown[]) {
return sql`array[${fragment(", ", ...xs)}]`;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export function row(...xs: unknown[]) {
return sql`row(${fragment(", ", ...xs)})`;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export interface SqlType {
input(value: string): unknown;
output(value: unknown): string | null;
export interface SqlTypeMap {
readonly [oid: number]: SqlType | undefined;
export class SqlTypeError extends TypeError {
override get name() {
export const bool: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return s !== "f";
output(x) {
2025-01-11 00:15:19 +11:00
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
const b = bool_names[String(x).toLowerCase()];
if (typeof b === "boolean") return b ? "t" : "f";
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid bool output '${x}'`);
2025-01-11 00:15:19 +11:00
const bool_names: Partial<Record<string, boolean>> = {
t: true,
tr: true,
tru: true,
true: true,
y: true,
ye: true,
yes: true,
on: true,
1: true,
f: false,
fa: false,
fal: false,
fals: false,
false: false,
n: false,
no: false,
of: false,
off: false,
0: false,
export const text: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return s;
output(x) {
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "string") return x;
else return String(x);
export const int2: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const n = Number(s);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -32768 <= n && n <= 32767) return n;
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int2 input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else n = Number(x);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -32768 <= n && n <= 32767) return n.toString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int2 output '${x}'`);
export const int4: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const n = Number(s);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -2147483648 <= n && n <= 2147483647) return n;
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int4 input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else n = Number(x);
if (Number.isInteger(n) && -2147483648 <= n && n <= 2147483647)
return n.toString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int4 output '${x}'`);
export const int8: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const n = BigInt(s);
if (-9007199254740991n <= n && n <= 9007199254740991n) return Number(n);
else if (-9223372036854775808n <= n && n <= 9223372036854775807n) return n;
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int8 input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let n: number | bigint;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "bigint") n = x;
else if (typeof x === "string") n = BigInt(x);
else n = Number(x);
if (Number.isInteger(n)) {
if (-9007199254740991 <= n && n <= 9007199254740991) return n.toString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`unsafe int8 output '${x}'`);
} else if (typeof n === "bigint") {
if (-9223372036854775808n <= n && n <= 9223372036854775807n)
return n.toString();
throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid int8 output '${x}'`);
export const float4: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return Math.fround(Number(s));
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else {
n = Number(x);
if (Number.isNaN(n))
throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid float4 output '${x}'`);
return Math.fround(n).toString();
export const float8: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return Number(s);
output(x) {
let n: number;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "number") n = x;
else {
n = Number(x);
if (Number.isNaN(n))
throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid float8 output '${x}'`);
return n.toString();
export const timestamptz: SqlType = {
input(s) {
const t = Date.parse(s);
if (!Number.isNaN(t)) return new Date(t);
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid timestamptz input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let t: Date;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (x instanceof Date) t = x;
else if (typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "bigint")
t = new Date(Number(x) * 1000); // unix epoch seconds
else t = new Date(String(x));
if (Number.isFinite(t.getTime())) return t.toISOString();
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid timestamptz output '${x}'`);
export const bytea: SqlType = {
input(s) {
if (s.startsWith(`\\x`)) return from_hex(s.slice(2));
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid bytea input '${s}'`);
output(x) {
let buf: Uint8Array;
if (typeof x === "undefined" || x === null) return null;
else if (typeof x === "string") buf = to_utf8(x);
else if (x instanceof Uint8Array) buf = x;
else if (x instanceof ArrayBuffer || x instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)
buf = new Uint8Array(x);
else if (Array.isArray(x) || x instanceof Array) buf = Uint8Array.from(x);
else throw new SqlTypeError(`invalid bytea output '${x}'`);
return `\\x` + to_hex(buf);
export const json: SqlType = {
input(s) {
return JSON.parse(s);
output(x) {
return typeof x === "undefined" ? null : JSON.stringify(x);
export const sql_types: SqlTypeMap = {
16: bool, // bool
25: text, // text
21: int2, // int2
23: int4, // int4
20: int8, // int8
26: int8, // oid
700: float4, // float4
701: float8, // float8
1082: timestamptz, // date
1114: timestamptz, // timestamp
1184: timestamptz, // timestamptz
17: bytea, // bytea
114: json, // json
3802: json, // jsonb
sql.types = sql_types;
export interface Result {
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
readonly tag: string;
export interface Rows<T> extends Result, ReadonlyArray<T> {
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
readonly rows: ReadonlyArray<T>;
export interface RowStream<T> extends AsyncIterable<T[], Result, void> {}
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export interface Row extends Iterable<unknown, void, void> {
[column: string]: unknown;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
export interface QueryOptions {
2025-01-11 02:00:05 +11:00
readonly simple: boolean;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
readonly chunk_size: number;
readonly stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null;
readonly stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null;
export class Query<T = Row> implements PromiseLike<Rows<T>>, RowStream<T> {
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
readonly #f;
constructor(f: (options: Partial<QueryOptions>) => RowStream<T>) {
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
this.#f = f;
2025-01-11 02:00:05 +11:00
simple(simple = true) {
const f = this.#f;
return new Query((o) => f({ simple, ...o }));
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
chunked(chunk_size = 1) {
const f = this.#f;
return new Query((o) => f({ chunk_size, ...o }));
stdin(stdin: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | string | null) {
if (typeof stdin === "string") stdin = str_to_stream(stdin);
const f = this.#f;
return new Query((o) => f({ stdin, ...o }));
stdout(stdout: WritableStream<Uint8Array> | null) {
const f = this.#f;
return new Query((o) => f({ stdout, ...o }));
map<S>(f: (row: T, index: number) => S) {
// deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias
const q = this;
return new Query<S>(async function* map(o) {
const iter = q.#f(o)[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let i, next;
for (i = 0; !(next = await; ) {
const { value: from } = next;
const to = [];
for (let j = 0, n = (to.length = from.length); j < n; j++) {
to[j] = f(from[j], i++);
yield to;
return next.value;
filter<S extends T>(f: (row: T, index: number) => row is S) {
// deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias
const q = this;
return new Query<S>(async function* filter(o) {
const iter = q.#f(o)[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let i, next;
for (i = 0; !(next = await; ) {
const { value: from } = next;
const to = [];
for (let j = 0, k = 0, n = from.length; j < n; j++) {
const x = from[j];
if (f(x, i++)) to[k++] = x;
yield to;
return next.value;
parse<S extends ObjectType>(
type: S,
{ mode = "strip" }: { mode?: "passthrough" | "strict" | "strip" } = {}
) {
return parse(row) {
return type.parse(row, { mode });
stream(options: Partial<QueryOptions> = {}) {
return this.#f(options);
async first(): Promise<T> {
const rows = await this.collect(1);
if (rows.length !== 0) return rows[0];
else throw new TypeError(`expected one row, got none instead`);
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
async first_or<S>(value: S): Promise<T | S> {
const rows = await this.collect(1);
return rows.length !== 0 ? rows[0] : value;
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
async collect(count = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY): Promise<Rows<T>> {
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
const iter = this[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let next;
const rows = [];
for (let i = 0; !(next = await; ) {
2025-01-11 00:15:19 +11:00
const chunk = next.value;
for (let j = 0, n = chunk.length; i < count && j < n; )
rows[i++] = chunk[j++];
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
return Object.assign(rows, next.value, { rows });
async execute() {
const iter = this[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let next;
while (!(next = await;
return next.value;
async count() {
const iter = this[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let n = 0;
for (let next; !(next = await; ) n += next.value.length;
return n;
then<S = Rows<T>, U = never>(
f?: ((rows: Rows<T>) => S | PromiseLike<S>) | null,
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00
g?: ((reason?: unknown) => U | PromiseLike<U>) | null
) {
return this.collect().then(f, g);
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
function str_to_stream(s: string) {
return new ReadableStream({
type: "bytes",
start(c) {
2025-01-11 00:15:19 +11:00
if (s.length !== 0) c.enqueue(to_utf8(s));
2025-01-07 22:12:30 +11:00